Questions for Discussion for Chapter One:
Application: Ethics of Plagiarism
March 30, 2017
Which of the three frameworks presented in the text selection – virtue ethics, utilitarian ethics or deontological ethics most resonated with you?Why do you think it did so?
Do you believe all cases of plagiarism are equally wrong or are there ever situations where one can distinguish between them?
Look in your university’s Student Handbook. What does the handbook say about plagiarism?Does it provide an ethical argument for why it is wrong and if so which of the frameworks does it seem to be most in accord with?
Discussion Questions for Chapter One:
Going Deeper: Lawrence Kohlberg
March 30, 2017
Can you think of times in history (US or international) when individuals might have knowingly chosen to violate laws in order to search for a higher good or for justice?Name at least three examples.
In her critique of Kohlberg’s theory, Carol Gilligan suggests that it is too simplistic to argue that the only moral choices open to an individual are to follow or to break a law. She suggests that individuals who are proponents of post-conventional morality might sometimes come up with alternate ways of opposing an unjust or immoral law – such as attempting to broker a compromise or to change a law.
What implications might her argument hold for those who consider themselves to be ethical hackers?Is there a ‘third way’ which exists in between always obeying copyright law and always opposing it, for example?What might that third way look like?