Looking towards the future
Chapter 12
A look into the future, where we consider the politics of artificial intelligence, drones and Big Data analytics, to thinking about the opportunities and risks associated with tomorrow’s internet.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:
Define critical terms including emerging technology, big data, fourth industrial revolution
Describe political and ethical problems related to dependence on data and algorithms – including algorithmic governance, bias
Define key terms associated with artificial intelligence – including Meaningful Human Control (MHC) and Levels of Autonomy
Apply 3 paradigms (Realism, Liberal Internationalism and Constructivism) to describing and analyzing the dynamics of an “AI Arms Race”
Discussion Questions for Chapter One:
Going Deeper: Lawrence Kohlberg
March 30, 2017
In , Jerry Kaplan proposes a number of possible future ethical scenarios involving artificial intelligence. What is your response to the following scenarios which he proposes?
Should robots be treated as independent agents, or ‘citizens’ with the right to own property?
To testify (perhaps against you) in court?
To vote in national elections?
Should robots be treated as wholly responsible for their actions in, for example, being tried for manslaughter if they cause an auto accident or the death of a pedestrian – or does their need to be an individual who exerts Meaningful Human Control (MHC) over the robot?
Kaplan, J. (2016). Artificial Intelligence:
What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University Press, xiii.