Chapter 7
Looks specifically at the phenomena of cybercrime, again utilizing the language of uniqueness to think through how cybercrime is both different and the same as other types of criminal activities.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:
Describe major types of cybercrimes, distinguishing between high and low policing, and cybercrime vs. cyber-facilitated crime.
Describe the ways in which globalization and the growth of technology can both make crime more likely as well as facilitating new types of policing
Describe attempts to combat cybercrime, including legislation, on the state and international levels
Formulate a position on the ethical, social and legal issues related to criminal data sharing between states
Formulate a position on the ethical, social and legal issues related to preemptive policing and surveillance

Discussion Questions
Manufacturers and consumers frequently think about trade-offs when deciding how to manufacture or purchase internet-enabled devices.
For example, securing all internet-enabled devices to the highest degree possible might make them prohibitively expensive and inaccessible to individuals in the developing world. It might also result in a significant loss of consumer privacy.
In thinking about securing devices and combatting crime:
Should safety be the only concern, or do concerns for safety have to be balanced against other competing interests – such as equity, value, fairness and accountability?