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​Apocalypse and Post-Politics:  The Romance of the End.   2012.  Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books. 


Threat Talk:  Comparing the Discourse of Internet Addiction and User Protection in China and the United States.  2012.  Surrey, UK:  Ashgate Publishers.


The Securitization of Property Squatting in Western Europe.  2013.  New York:  Routledge.  (Second edition:  2015).


TV & Media

Mon - Thur 7am-6pm

Weekends 9am-8pm


Guest Lectures

Mon - Thur 7am-6pm

Weekends 9am-8pm

Journal Articles


  • “Two Models of Intelligence Accountability:  Turf Wars versus Identity Narratives.”  2016  Intelligence and National Security



  • “Reading Lolita at Langley:  The Unreliable Narrator as a Device for Improving Intelligence Collection.” 2015.   Intelligence and National Security 30:5   This article was the subject of a discussion forum in H-Diplo and the International Security Study Forum (ISSF)

  • “But My Hands Are Clean:  The Ethics of Intelligence Sharing and the Problem of Complicity.”  2015,  International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 28 (4):  692-709.



  • “Becoming Unmanned:  The Gendering of Lethal Autonomous Warfare Technology.”  2014.   International Feminist Journal of Politics 16(2).



  • “Positivism, Post-Positivism and Intelligence Analysis.” 2013.


2008 - 2010

  • “Diagnosis, Intervention and Cure:  The Illness Narrative on the Discourse of the Failed State.”  2008 Alternatives:  Global, Local, and International 33(3).

  • “From Global Village to Virtual Battlespace:  the Colonizing of the Internet and the Extension of Realpolitik.”  2010.   International Studies Quarterly 54:  281-301.

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